On completion of his PhD, in 2009, Steve became a Research Fellow with Salford Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), where his research focus was economic appraisal. During his time with SCRI, he also managed a futures study, Built Environment Shaping Tomorrow (BEST).
Steve has become a specialist in the relationship between the construction sector and the macro-economy, a theme which continued in his research in the School of the Built Environment at London South Bank University (LSBU) and also in the Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD) at University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), where his research also had a focus on sustainable construction and well-being within the construction and the built environment.
Steve has many years of teaching experience spanning many disciplines at both FE and HE level. He joined UCEM May 2021 in a Module Leader role on modules including the Work Based Research Project and Construction Technology 2.

Dr Ruddock is currently Module Leader for Work Based Projects, Case Study Projects and the Economics for the Built Environment
He has previously taught a range of subjects at HND, BSc and MSc levels, including:
- Construction Economics
- Construction Management
- Health, Safety and Welfare
- Sustainable Construction
Dr Ruddock’s primary research interest lies in the area of construction economics.
Other areas of interest are:
The impact of work based learning
- Emerging from the Global Economic Crisis: Delivering Recovery through a Sustainable Construction Industry CIB Publication 333. CIB, Rotterdam (2010) ISBN 978 90 6363 063 8 (With L. Ruddock)
- Changes in Societies and Economies: New Paradigms in ‘New Perspectives on Construction in Developing Countries’ (ed. G. Ofori), Taylor and Francis, London (2011) ISBN 978 0 415 58572 9
- The Scope of the Construction Sector: Determining its Value in ‘Economics for the Modern Built Environment’ (ed. L. Ruddock), Taylor and Francis, London (2007) ISBN 041545424 7 (With L. Ruddock)
- Patient Care at our Heart: Developing the care environment for patients with dementia at UHSM Industry report for University Hospital South Manchester (2015) (With N. Yates-Bolton, K. Yates, T. Williamson, R. Codinhoto & M. Omerod)
- The Current State of the UK Construction Sector. Lloydmasters Consultants, London (2009)
- From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate responsible Behaviour: A Futures Approach. Salford Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI) Research Report Series. (2011) (With G. O’Brien and J. Ratcliffe)
- Modern Slavery in Construction: What does the Future Hold? Proceedings of CIB International Safety, Health and People in Construction Conference, Salvador, Brazil, July 2018
- The Construction Sector and the Silver Economy: Challenges and Opportunities Shaping Tomorrows Built Environment – Construction and Design for the Modern World, University of Salford, September 2017
- Creating an age-friendly built environment: An investigation of affordability Proceedings of the 10th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Nice, September 2016
- Transnational adaptation model for facilitating technology and expertise mobilisation in Gulf AEC organisations Proceedings of IPC2015 (With J.S. Goulding, H. Ibrahim, F. Pour-Rahimian & A. Salama)
- Construction activity and built assets in emerging economies: Building for economic growth or fuelling a bubble? Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction in a Changing World, Sri Lanka, May 2014 (With L. Ruddock)
- Weathering the Storm: The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Construction Sector Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century: Collaboration and Integration in Engineering, Management and Technology, Istanbul, May 2009. (With L. Ruddock).
- Evidence-based Design for Facilities: Benefit Realisation and Assessment of the Business Case. Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress ‘Construction for Development’, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2007.
- Creating Impact in Environmental Design: Assessment through Design Evaluation. Proceedings of the Sixth International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Technical University of Delft, April 2006.
- Enhancing the Healing Environment. Proceedings of the Fifth International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, University of Salford, May 2005.
- Investment in Infrastructure as a Key to Economic Recovery: The Role of the Construction Industry International Journal of Strategic Property Management (In revision stage)
- Measurement Issues in the Assessment of Continuous Vocational Education and Training in the Construction Industry Engineering Construction and Architectural Management (In revision stage)
- Investigating Modern Slavery in the Construction Industry Management, Procurement and Law: Enhancing Construction Safety, Health and Well-being Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. (In revision stage)
- Wealth Measurement and the Role of Built Asset investment: An Empirical Comparison Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (Vol.26 (5) pp.766-778, (With L. Ruddock)
- The Financial and Economic Challenges of Housing Provision for an Ageing Society Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction Volume 21 (2) (with L. Ruddock) DOI: 10.1108/JFMPC-04-2016-0017
- UK Construction Companies’ Strategies in the Face of Business Cycles International Journal of Strategic Property Management. Volume 18 226-238 (With L. Ruddock and A. Kheir) DOI: 10.3846/1648715X.2014.927400
- Evaluation of Trends in the UK Construction Industry Using Growth and Productivity Accounts. Construction Management and Economics Vol. 29 (12). (with L. Ruddock) DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2011.645494.
- Reassessing the Construction Sector’s Economic Performance to Reflect Hidden Innovation and the Knowledge Economy. Construction Management and Economics Vol. 27 (9). (with L. Ruddock) DOI: 10.1080/01446190903131166.
Job Losses in the Construction Industry: How Bad Might it Get? (