Bex’s story so far…

Posted on: 18 April, 2019

Bex GibsonBex Gibson
Programme: MSc Construction Management

Tell us about your time at UCEM so far 

I was very new to the construction industry, having worked for eight years in orchestral management (following completing a Music undergraduate degree) and wanted a change in career reflective of a new role in a projects department. UCEM was recommended by colleagues, and I decided to start studying part time while working full time – gaining practical skills and theoretical knowledge at the same time.
UCEM was a great option for me, allowing me to fit in my studies with the rest of my life. The flexibility of the course was a massive bonus!

Additionally, I am also a student representative and have had the opportunity to liaise with the UCEM on behalf of my cohort. This has been an incredibly interesting role!
Tell us about the most interesting project you have worked on or are most proud of
Completion of my final MSc Project – fitting research, planning and analysis in with everything else in my life was a challenge but I managed to submit my final project two days before the deadline! Phew!

Where do you see yourself in 15 years’ time? 
I currently work in a projects department for a larger organisation. In fifteen years’ time, I would like to be a consultant construction manager, or perhaps a BIM manager. There are so many opportunities open to me now with this qualification, and I’m excited about taking the next steps in my life.

What does the Future of the Built Environment mean to you? 
I hope that the industry continues to become more environmentally sensitive. We need to look after the planet, so it can look after us! There are so many exciting innovations being presented; it will certainly be interesting to watch the industry evolve over the coming decades.